Jacky . Jacky is mainly pastels and pale grays, with a sluice of golden retriever down one side. She's a small, easy-sipper with slightly rippled lip. Flair without daunt.
Jan . Jan's split down the middle, with dueling personalities. She's half purply-black brooding, half drippy sunny wheat-field. With your help she can find balance. Please help!
Jasper . This is maybe the perfect mug. Full-bellied, complexly glazed but not too weird, pleasant handle, just the right size. Get this for Goldilocks, if you know her.
Jazz . Jazz is so shiny and electric! Bright but not too bright on a dark morning. Zippy with a broad handle. Very pleasant to hold.
Jean . Mean Jean's made of patina only, but minus the unpleasantly mortal flavor. And even meanies are nice to have a drink with sometimes.
Jelly . Little guy may be called Jelly, but is made of chunky peanut butter, a little bit of marshmallow, a little egg yolk, and has a HECKIN handle.
Jermaine . Jermaine is one of my favorites, sweet but not too sweet, delicate but not to delicate, small but mighty. Eyeball-blue inside with a lichen of taupe and cream struck through with cranberry. Outside runs on a similar theme with some jewel-tone drips.
Jerry . The purple that dreams are made of, with a few crystals of blue dribbling down the side, Jerry is a LARGE mug for all day meetings.
Jewel .
Jill . Jill is a window-gazing mug with impressive capacity. Simple stripes, a couple cute freckles amidst the white, a couple glaze-free kisses on her cheeks. Prominent foot, handle feels like hands made it (They did. My hands.).
Jim . Someone has already skated around Jim's ice rink. His bottom has been dipped in a metallic chocolate. He's the largest of the tumblers at 12 oz.
Jimmy . Jimmy is Lanse's older brother, and while he shares some of those same characteristics, and is in some ways more beautiful, his life has been a difficult one. Cut him some slack.
Jitka . A squishy, candy-coated friend as reliable as a mirror, as memory, as a rock.
John . The steam that rises from John is the same as the breath that rises from you when you step outside. The contrast can be jarring, but contents are still hot and good.
Jonathan . Jonathan is a favorite of fans of landscapes. His handle is little but mighty. He has a texture that catches attractively on the sky of his glaze. Some people might think he's a pitcher, but he's not, he's just a little twisted.
Jug . She does seem powerful, but what do you think - is she a jug or not?
Justin . If you are experiencing waves of something negative - doubt, nausea, red tide - seek a cup with Justin, who will embrace you with cool waves of certainty, serenity, and likely some non-harmful liquid of your choice.
Kagan . RawR! MonsteR!
KeeKat . Mew mew mew mew mew mew mew.
Kerent . Shapely and soft-focus. Perfect for slow sipping and not thinking about work yet.
Kelly . Kelly is a leather upholstered clarinet with real ivory (cruelty free). Just a gentle twist in her midsection and easy handling.
Kerdle . YOU KNOW that even when you steep the tea just right and you add a dollop of extra creamy oat milk--it separates a little. But It's still good.
Kerplie .
King . A large and fancy cup! Many swoops and spirals on him! So much of this favorite glaze that is drips right off the edge!
Knees .
Knucks . Knucks has not a handle, but five fingerles. Pale orange on the inside, gunmetal fingerles, and a delicate pattern in the gray of the outside, somewhere between a tidepool and a starry night sky.
Lagoon . A round little cove of smooth but uneven sides, filled with the greens and blues of the most vibrant water. A small cup with a long handle. You can really see the algae along the sides.
Landra . Pair the structure of a sturdy iron fence with a twisted lock of hair, a settling drop of water, an inspiration. Fill it with juice, coffee, wine. This is Landra.
Lanse . Lanse is very proud of his thumb-formed handle, which is prominent and curly, but does not detract from the landscape of his bowl. Please admire his green ocean, his dark galaxy, his gentle rolling hills of subtle purple. See his swirly bottom. Drink from his royal depths.
LaRocque . Looks like pottery, smells like daydreams and dream boats.
Laurel . A delicate flower and subtle savory pal.
Leah . On a gray-toned day when you're not expecting purple - there Leah is! A capacious cocoa cup with a sass handle.
Lewis . If you feel like you already own too many mugs, but you could use an Anjou pear who knows what you did - then this is the mug for you!
Libby . Free at last! Libby's been saving up for a boat of her own, and now she's off to seek her fortune in the sky of purple wrinkles.
Liken . Found this growing next to a log and thought it looked cool and might even hold coffee. Turns out it does?? Might inspire you to take to the woods.
Lil Red . Lil Red is too beautiful to be photographed accurately. She has a slight pot-belly, with modest earth-tones on the outside and swirling jewel-tones on the inside, Her handle yanks on the rim so that it wrinkles.
Looking . A thick mug with crystal fingers that reach past the soil into the sticky blue. I am Looking for You.
Los Angeles . This mug is a true story based on my fish, who are angel fish. And one tetra.
Lounsbury . Even for moments that are gone and will never be repeated—how did we get so lucky?
Lulu Belle . Sweet and blue and bleeding. Large enough handle to keep yer fingies away from the heat.
Lumpsome . Lumpsome is really trying to be a lovely thing like the others. He's got a unique shape, deep dark clay body. Did you notice the flowers? Not included, but you could put in similar ones. TBH, this guy is a little brown swirl - a friendly one though! 4 oz liquid capacity.
Lyca . Let's talk about this perfect lil outy belly button on her inside—oh that's right, she can't.
Madjka . Is it stars or bugs glimmering above a wheat field? Or dinoflagellates haunting an inlet?
Magda . I've been avoiding writing a description for Magda because I secretly want to keep her for myself, but I have so many mugs. She's just really pretty though.
Malden . This is a L O R G E mug with a handle more thought-provoking than sense-making. A friend to minnows and plover eggs.
Mallow . This one screams out for hot chocolate, with its large capacity, rich brown bottom, thick marshmallow glaze up top, whipped rim, and a handle big enough to keep your knuckles safe when it's piping hot.
Mangut . The viciousness of an echinacea paired with the nothing of the horizon inside.
Manny . The face you make when the barista remembers the name you have said aloud every time, but never intended for them to remember.
Maple . Made from the lightning-struck lumber of the sugar shack, and perfect to hold the dill pickle chips and the memories both.
March . March is a caramel lioness of mug, drink from her and feel power.
Marguerite . Proud, petite wings spike out of Marguerite's sides. A delicate tail of a handle and turquoise décolletage complete her look. Here for possibility.
Marsb .
Mars . Strongbad vibes, but at home when he's relaxing with a hot toddy. Stongbad probably did that sometimes, right?
Mary . Mary is a pie-crust colored mug dipped in strawberry jam that lives in a fluid state of ooze. Stripes on the inside, cinnamon-bun bottom.
Masha . Masha is a friend to corn on the cob and ribbon candy - you won't need sugar in your coffee, she's sweet enough! (Sweetness is metaphoric only, you may still need sugar.)
Max . I dreamed up Max after borrowing a mug so squat that I could set it on the couch next to me with no fear of it spilling. Max can do the same. He's got a happy little handle and coloring that puts me in mind of a midsummer field.
McRib . A mug or a practical carrying case for glitter and barbecue sauce? You decide.
Medallion . Like the waves rivuleting patterns into the beach, the crawl of glaze across this mug is truly unrepreatable.
Meg . Meg is cheery and geometric. Imperfectly painted, but she's trying. Sweet round ear of handle and spiral bottom.
Mellen . Mellen is big but not giant, pretty but not flashy, a perfect choice to justly press your bottom lip against in quiet contemplation. A favorite.
Mellowtone . This dude is made of romance and the sound of the ocean in the morning. Turn up the Christopher Cross and enjoy.
Melt . Get it. GET IT. She's got a drip, there, running down her flank. Oh dear. Listen, she's a good mug and only drippy in an imaginary way, I swear. Will hold beverages flush to the rim and look cut doing it.
Michael .
Mimosa . Your classic breakfast cocktail, but instead of champagne, spring water, and instead of orange juice, cream of mushroom soup. Garnish with lichens and enjoy!
Minnow . Minnow’s shiny depths sport speckles and sparkles. She’s sophisticated and gritty, ready for the possibility of your concoction.
Mitch . Mitch dresses for attention, with bold contrasts and careful details. He's quietly dying to know if you noticed his chunky geometric handle, his coordinated in and out spirals.
Moe . Mooooooe! What a happy guy. What nice ears he has! See his dragon friend! Each of his colors is nice to look at, his capacity is generous, and if your bev is too hot to handle, he's got your back twice.
The Moon .
Moosh . This mug is named for the the ravenous energy with which your face embraces the deliciousness it is destined to contain.
Moot . Your little rainbow friend.
Mottle . A cup that resembles that moment that the beach got too small, and the foam came up past your towel, licking the things you value.
Ms. Green .
MT . Mainely tea. Maybe timeless. Modern tasting. Mindlessly tap-dancing. Modest taxidermy. Midtown. Me time.
Mug Friend . What is this unsettling attempt at cordiality? Too friendly. Inhuman. Punish with scalding liquid.
Mug Mug . He does feature a dark blank portrait gallery, but otherwise, Mug Mug is just a mug's mug, mug mugging for all your mug needs.
Muño . With muño, coffee will do what coffee is meant to do, with beauty and grace.
Murphy . Murphy is for a retiring evening. He is shiny and smooth, lightly metallic at the rim with a lovely dark clay-body, slight bark texture and mottled bottom.
Mussel .
My Jam . Designed to be clutched at with sticky-sweet hands, in a good time when life would never change.
Mysti .
Ned . Ned is a simple dude with simple needs. He will take a cup of coffee, thans, and he hopes you’ll mention his haircut.
Nina . Nina says, "let me get that for you." Simple curves, generous ouncage, and just a sliver of dissipation to make her more relatable.
Noel . You don't have to be partnered to shine up a nose with your nose. This one can even be made hot or cold to your taste.
Norman .
Oak . I usually prefer my wines un-oaked, but I would make an exception for this groovy baby.
Oat . Found a mare eating this, but it looked too hard for her poor teeth. Bet it would hold hot liquids.
Oather . A portable depository for thoughts that won't stay in place.
Ocean . I was feeling mortal and reading On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous when I made this mug, so, maybe read or re-read that while you're still here.
Oddyshape . A generous wonk box for your hot bean and leaf juices.
Olympia . Squat mumma with silver freckles dripping out of her folds. Simply the best (coffee cup).
Omen . Only the bravest of coffee drinkers start their mornings by sipping out of a haunted tree stump. Let this be a sign to yourself.
Oran . Copper-bottoms and pot-bellies—both classics for a reason.
Owen . The patch of wonderland behind the peeled down strip of birch bark in your dreams.