Daisy . Imagine I took an ancient marble made of sand and surf, attached a little inchworm to it, named it after a Duke, and magnified it. For art.
Dainty .
Danish . A best friend scoops a lump of wave-moistened sand and hucks it at you, and this cup is made from that patch of beach at that moment.
Darling . Darling is the squattest mug I've made to date. She's fat-bottomed and reliable, and wearing her 1970's kitchenware best. She does have a bit of s-crack on her bottom, but is nonetheless sealed and resilient (and food-safe), just don't take her from hot to cold temperatures too quickly.
Darnell .
Dawna . See the buttery filigree of finger drips, coils, and sediment settlement. We didn't invent these shapes.
Dinette . An anxious little creature in the moment before flight. Keep her full, it makes her feel grounded. The last sip sets her free and she soars.
Dino . Simple and sweet, Dino sits on a weather-worn porch and waits for the dew.
Discape . A dark sponge haunted by gravity, let Discape be the little hourglass of your discontent - linger in the feeling, but only for this long.
Distill . Distill is my pet tortoise's cup, but as he's made of a high-quality flexible plastic and therefore knows not how to drink out of a cup (and this cup was too big for him to begin with), I've decided to put it up for sale. It is a good cup.
Divot . The wary former center of the world's largest rubber band ball, ancient but adventurous, ready to contain rather than be contained.
Dmitri .
Dnc Prty .
Dorothy . Dorothy is a pale blue, delicate teacup shyly crinkled at the rim.
Drolly .
Drop . The sassiness of their handle, their drop shape, their flirtatious bubbles, make me assume that whatever’s inside is c a n d y.
Doublet .
Echinacia (set) . Specially designed for two wee drams in the afternoon for two one and onlies. One flower is dead on, the other glances to the side; just like you and yours.
East End . Dark-edged and rough textured but still lovely, like that other beach. Funky handle. Smoky little remnants of last night's dream inside.
Echo . Echo is a mouthful, a demonstration of howls that begin to be pacified by soothing blue.
Edvard .
Eel . Eel's teeth bite into its tongue handle. The body is glossy and pleasantly tactile. The tongue is pale and rough, like a cat's tongue, though it is human-styled. Sparkly on the inside, swirl on the bottom, Eel is perfect for sipping along with a book about creepy-crawlers.
Egg . With her high handle, classic black and white styling, and delicately crimped rim, drinking out of this Egg is a pleasure that's worth the challenge.
Elbow . I'll say it - of all the mugs I've made, Elbow may walk the line of awesome-looking and functional better than any of them. Lookit how the glaze fades from glossy to matte! and those colors! and that handle! Dang.
Elodie .
Elvis . You've seen him on the corner. His sideburn makes you a little uncomfortable, but you know he is kind. This mug is the same thing as that - a little off, proud of it's own thing.
Epiquet . You can't keep your friends from melting until you can keep yourself from melting. Or at least this mug, which, good luck!
Eos . A fat little goddess of a mug to help you greet the day. Handle like a tail. Generous drips of turquoise runneth over.
Errol . A sculptural handle and a map to your homeland, Errol is a multitool of form and function.
Escape . Drink in the sweet feeling of lightness between when the tallies become claw marks and the leap from the edge.
Esme . This beaut's pale purple dress is made of latte foam and crumpet bubbles with a smokey eye. Her body is a smooth volcano, her handle is solid but shows my shortcomings.
Espo . Espo is a little bottom heavy, but we forgive him because look at that gorgeous fade!
Esther . Esther is such a glorious, round and smoothy-smooth mug, with a just-right handle and the ghosts of purple mountains majesty haunting her sides.
Eudora . So many places to hold her! Eudora is a sea nymph, and has many sea-like qualities to prove - calm green waves, dark depths, and teeny textures on her arms that will put you in mind of an octopus.
Eugene . Eugene is not just a capacious mug, but a friendly and curious pal. Tell him your dreams upon waking over coffee, or debrief about your day over lavender tea or a hot toddy. He is the most avid of listeners.
Fate . Cousin It's cousin, I think, crawling out of Fate's dark, dreary side and on in. Drink up, don't want him to get any.
Felix .
Flake . The love child of a peanut and a snowman, and very pleased to see ya.
Flannery . Flannery is freshly baked coppery goodness on the bottom with clean white icing up top, with a wide handle and a smattering of whimsical grooves carved around her middle. My first attempt at a hexagonal foot, which I think went well even if it's not cleanly done.
Flip . Flip is the friend you don't see often, but when you do it's a bear hug, and when think of fondly when he's gone.
Flo . Half brick red, half taupe, with vibrant turquoise rivuletting down from the rim, Flo's thick juicy glaze threatens to ooze right onto the table, but doesn't quite. Enjoy her elf-ear handle and the aurora borealis on that one side.
Florence . 14 oz mug . I have a feeling that whatever you brew with this friend may come out tasting like strawberry shortcake, but is that so bad?
Flossy .
Flounce . For delicate amounts of robust beverage, any day that begins with a sip from Flounce is a party. She's fancy and ready to take it all on.
Foote .
Fox . Looks harmless - here, look, I think they want you to follow them. See the prints? Into-the-dark-woods. Just keep an eye on the bright white of that tail...
Frackle . Frackle's light as a feather. He's got a delicate shell, reminiscent of an oriole's egg, with a robust handle and a spicy six-sided rim.
Frances .
Fred . Fred's a good guy. He's got a button nose and soft, kind ears. This shade of red has a smattering of vibrant blue in it that gives Fred a hint of purple shimmer.
Fresia . Fresia is the fire pit you haven't used in a couple weeks, and now there are dandelions growing out of it. Today the bees can have them, and in another few days they'll burn.
Funicular . Raise it up, Buttercup - each layer represents represents a stage of your procrastination. Don't let the hands of today spill on the coffee of tomorrow.
Gallery . It's an hourglass, it's a starry void. It's runny blueberry jam. CYOM (choose your own metaphor) (choose your own mug) (this one).
Gary .
Genevieve . Genevieve is a sturdy cylinder for sipping seafoam-topped salt water, cold like your feet in spring.
Genny . Genny is pale yellow with the idea of blue. She's has a perfect little bowl with an imperfect handle.
Geo . Geo brings the unconventional mediums of packed dirt and radioactivity into a space of beauty. Innovation you almost can't handle, but he's got a little extra in that department as well.
George .
Ginger . Sweet, subtle, spicy, her handle leans into you like a sweet pet wanting to be closer than already touching.
Glenda .
Gloria . Simple and sweet, like your neighbor who is better at gardening than you and leaves spare flowers in a pickle jar on your doorstep.
Glover . Fox and foxglove - get it? You get it. This mug has a nice petiteness for it's capacity, fancy angled handle.
Goat . This little layered mug is made of tin cans and omelet, is the goatiest of all time.
Gooroo .
Gottfried . There is too much to this story to explain here. Open the door, climb the mountain, and see for yourself.
(Inspired by The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern) |
Gould . Gould is simple man, round and sensible, keeps you caffeinated, and keeps it purple.
Graham . Graham is the feeling of grass up to your chin in the heat and the katydids yelling, a sweet breeze coming through,
Granyule . A collection of moored boatlings. Between fat droops, brush strokes, gouges, and freckles, this one is PARTICULARLY nice to touch.
Gravle . The shiniest rock on the beach that you tumble from the inside out. Turn the machine off early and hide your secrets in the half-rough.
Gregor . A strong and round, shiny beetle, who doesn't know how he got here but feels a little closer to human once he gets some coffee in him.
Grinn . Grinn is a pretty standard pink mug with a wide, comfy handle and he holds a generous amount of liquid. Shiny red glaze and toasted marshmallow up top. And, well...teeth. This mug has teeth. Pretty big ones. Sorry.
Grip . Hold hands with the ghost that holds this mug. Whose grip is braver?
Gwenny's Mug .
Hack . Hack at it again with the white mug. They're windows or tallies or a desperate plea. For disturbed days.
Harriet . Just a sweet little glitter sand dune, designed to perch on your shoulder for support.
Havan . A sun-filled hovel on a stormy day.
Heart . This is the shape my cold little blue heart made when we made eye contact. This is how much my heart can hold: 8 ounces, give or take.
Hector . I know I make a lot of ocean references with my mugs, but if you can look at this and not want to construct a small licorice raft and float off into it, I don't know what to tell you.
Heet . Sunset over a stripy mountain of dill pickle spheres, broad beans, and the sound of singing circadians.
Hen . Short for Henry, but not short for a mug, relatively average-heighted in fact. Appears to be made out of a partially burnt piece of wood, but is not. Is made out of clay.
Higgins . Named after a beach that is not so much a lay-in-the-sun beach as much as it is a play-the-water, lose-track-off-time, tan-extremely-unevenly kind of beach. A full-bodied mug. Tan is matte, white is smoothy-smooth glossy.
Hoast . Haunted by toast! You get it. Activate this mug with hot water and as your tea brews, you’ll feel compelled to eat bread, but you want to kill it first and then spread it with the gelatinous redness of preserved berries. You know.
Honey . This mug is made of honey taffy* melting in the sun. The inside has a delicate pattern of concentric circles in lavender. I apologize that one of these photos is blurry, but I didn't notice when I took it, and she looks so jolly and relaxed that I wanted to leave it in.
*Not really. It is clay. |
Howard . 24 oz
IDK . This is what the inside of my brain looks like sometimes - maybe yours too. An average capacity mug. That feels right.
Imogen .
Imp .
Impend . So much impends upon a new coffee mug, glazed with green and yellow, beside the white creamer.
Ione . Blue sky or water or blood hods veins or tree trunks or rivulets.
Issue . A tide pool dressed in lace collar for dinner, gloves off but tucked neatly under the arm at the ready.
I Wish . Is it oafish to wish I were a painted fish by a dish of squishy knish—delish!