Tackle . We don't know what lives between the inside of the dish and the outside of the dish, but instead of fearing the unknown I think, in this case, it is safe to embrace it.
Taffy . This little mug is made of butter and horizon that was pulled and twisted by the ocean until it coiled and relaxed into its current (though likely temporary) state.
Taloumi .
Talula . Helloooooooooo. Here's Talula in her black velvet dress with the pale-puple going-out ruffle of slip peaking out. Handle like a wristlet, watercolored insides. Seriously, consider that perfect little apex pleat.
Tamara . A friend to angelfish and egg-whites, a parka with a fur-rimmed hood.
Tan . Tan is rough and smooth and lil and susceptible to tummy rubs.
Tapir . Like the creature of the same name, Tapir is at once roly-poly, curious, and majestic.
Tay . Tay and all her nervous energy are modeled after some kind of fancy squirrel, and she's got the fancy handle to prove it.
Tention . Like a misspelled word that your whole body wants to fix, it's hard to fix your attention on anything else when Tention is in the room.
This . Please entwine your lil fingers with this cool blue egg of friend.
Thursday . Just try to stop this angry little cloud from fighting all your battles for you.
Tilly . Tilly hangs out down by the back cove, skipping rocks, imagining what she could bake with cattail flour. She thinks she's friends with a squirrel. She's not.
Tina . This friend is purple AF.
Title . Any book, good or bad, begins with a title. This one has a smooth clean page, mood music at the bottom. Whatever needs to rise bubbles up to the top and converges with the reprise at the rim. So begin.
Tobi . Your best friend just finished eating a peanut butter and ocean sandwich. The last two bites were gulps, and she needs a minute.
Todd . Todd stacks himself three-high to reach your mouth like an adult mug, but he is still just an 8-ouncer, will need a couple refills before he's grown.
Toof . Smooth and clean, tall and voluminous, she ties her apron strings neatly behind her neck and asks what she can get you.
Tre . Peel back the bark before brewing, there may be baby birds in there hungering for a worm.
Trim . This cup is made of the top button that you buttoned wrong, creating the little space where the spilled coffee slips in and stains the inside shirt but not the outside shirt.
Trixie . If you'd like to mix it up on the dance floor, run in the night and catch a shooting star, but only have the energy to sit there, for now, Trixie treats you to all that.
Trout . This teeny fish has the scales and oil-slick inside that you'd expect, but 100% less fishy taste, and tail is a comfortable and smooth handle shape, much easier grip than regular fish.
Tuck . Tuck is very-old-jeans colors, and just as comfortable in the hand. He tucks it into his socks, but he's a cool mug nevertheless.
Tuesday . Trace your fingers around the treble clef to recreate the opening scene from Disney's Fantasia.
Tween . A cutie lil bopper with shoulders and hips for cutie lil sips.
Tune . Tired after a long day of singing for the fans, Tune alights on a branch in the darkness and looks to the sky for a brief moment before settling in for night. A glazing experiment that's better in person.
Umberto .
Vanilla .
Velmer . Velmer likes what he sees and sees what he likes. Try to be open to it.
Verse . Verse it the person (or cup, really) that you meet at a fancy-dress party and chat with all night, and maybe that's enough.
Vibe . You cannot keep this vibe down. He's jolly-shaped and cool-dream colored with enough golden inside to groove all day.
Viola . 10 oz mug . Unlike most violist, she carries her instrument on her head, so she can make fresh coffee even in squalor.
Violet . Like Violet Beauregarde in color and in attitude. Dependable and smart.
Vlad . Vlad is dark, with a slight taper and vibrant insides, perfect for sipping the blood of your enemies. Or hot water with lemon.
Wanda . Wanda is large and proud. Motherly, but with no children of her own, she holds every baby, handfuls of flowers, the afternoon's lemonade. An unconventional pitcher, but she pours well. 20 oz liquid capacity.
Waxen .
Weabole . I'm going to level with you, this mug has about as much handle as it can handle. Maybe the perfect number of handles when the mug is full and heavy. Really he just wants to be held.
Weft . Look at Weft's waves! Everything about them suggests fingers to me. Look at their lil blue rainbow. Their salty handle is crawling away, can't even handle itself.
Whale . Whale is really something special. They're at once elegant and awkward, sitting like a a sturdy canvas sack that hold's itself open pretty well, but has just begun to slouch. They're color scheme is creams and pale blues and turquoise, but there is an ocean of whirling noise up top to get lost in.
Wherewithal . Hope on a cloudy day. A mug with a thin spot that makes it better than it could have been without. Dig that curly handle, and the mountainside.
Whik . This elegant little cup wears a gown of melted wax. She's made for toasting and toasting.
Wiggles . Wiggles looks a lot like Sid to begin with, but he's *a little different.* His handle sticks out like a hunched shoulder. He's little and sleek, but something is clearly trapped inside, trying to get out. He and Sid are twins, but don't hold this against him.
Willoughby . This is what it looks like when verdigris forms on the walls of an ancient glitter disco ice cave.
Willow . Generous Willow is made from funk and flower petals. Sip up an refill hot.
Winter . This one is all about the texture, a momma-sized mug that's un-put-downable.
Wrapscallion . Sorry, I'm not home right now.
Yeg . Smooth and surprisingly good too hold. Yeg is that friend you didn't even want until you met them.
Yelena . Smooth sides shaped from shouting down a slide into packed moon dust.
Yell . Look at her. I bet you have a spoon at home begging to dip into this guy. Bring her home. Let her waves lap the shore of your breakfast nook.
Yes! . Now is the time.
yes . Wish for a firm affirmative affirmation formation nation.